
Supercharging job searches with smart introductions

With Hifive's LinkedIn Extension
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The challenge

The modern job search can be daunting. For many job seekers, directly reaching out to potential employers or HR personnel on platforms like LinkedIn results in missed opportunities, generic responses, or no feedback at all. With a vast pool of candidates vying for the same position, standing out and ensuring your application doesn’t get lost in the shuffle becomes a pressing concern. What job seekers need is a way to differentiate themselves and make meaningful connections in their target industry.

The Hifive solution

The HiFive Chrome Browser Extension offers a breakthrough for job seekers navigating LinkedIn. Instead of the often impersonal process of applying en masse, HiFive empowers candidates to request introductions from their existing network. By tapping into mutual connections and getting a personal introduction, job seekers can:

  1. Rise above the noise and get their profiles in front of decision-makers.
  2. Benefit from the credibility and endorsement that comes with a mutual introduction.
  3. Gain insights and inside information about potential roles, ensuring their applications are tailored and impactful.

The Outcome

Within the first 3 months of using Hifive...


increase in profile views


more interview invitations


shorter job search duration

Applying for jobs is basically a complete waste of time as it's nearly impossible to break through the noise. I used Hifive to get introduced to the hiring manager directly in the matter of a few clicks.

Christina Austin
Senior Account Manager @ Monsido
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Within the first 3 months of using Hifive...

Discover how Hifive can transform your LinkedIn outreach

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